Walden Floral LA


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Flower Wedding Packages
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Company Name:Walden Floral LA
Contact Person:Courtney

We specialize in chic and unique arrangements while still being warm and romantic. More than anything, we are detail oriented and passionate about bringing your vision to life. If you don’t know what that vision is we’d love to help you create it!

Skills Summary:

Courtney is detail oriented and passionate about making her client's events one of a kind through every floral design. She loves getting to know her clients, and building a relationship with them. She's heavily focused on the client experience, and the design experience. She loves private parties, corporate events, weddings, and anything creative that involves florals! Her aim for Walden Floral LA is to spread joy with every arrangement and every interaction.