Your Caricature


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Drawing
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Company Name:Your Caricature
Work Phone:207-370-2787

We are a small group of talented artists available to draw caricatures at parties and events in and around the greater Los Angeles area. Caricatures will liven up any event. One might even say “We draw a crowd! “It is fun to be drawn and just as fun to watch your friends get transformed into a cartoon before your very eyes! Our professional artists work quickly to draw your guests in under a few minutes each. Your Caricature.com was founded in 2006 by Artist Melita Lewis. She has been developing her skills as a caricaturist since 1999 and has done work for Walt Disney Animation Studios, N.A.S.A., Budweiser, Office Max, Pizza Hut, Harvard University, CSUN, Best Friends Animal Society, City of Hope Foundation, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Universal Studios Hollywood and many, many more.

Employment History:

Melita began drawing caricatures professionally after attending art school on the east coast.  Melita now tours the country drawing caricatures at special events nationwide including Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New York, and Boston. Your Caricature Co. is based out of West Hollywood, CA and also includes a small network of local caricature artists that are also available to work parties and events.