Tips for selling your art

Tips for selling your art

Tips for selling your art

Selling art? Challenging yet rewarding! Here are some practical tips to help you navigate the art market.

Start by building an online presence. Create a website or social media profile with high-quality visuals and captivating descriptions.

Networking is also very important. Connect with other artists, collectors, and gallery owners at local events. It provides exposure and helps understand market trends.

Pricing artwork is essential. Research similar art pieces and consider factors like size, medium, complexity, and experience.

Creating an artist statement can add value to your work. Describe your inspiration, artistic process, and concept behind each piece.

Collaborate with galleries or online platforms to reach more people. Established customer bases are out there, looking for new artwork.

2020 showed the potential of the digital realm. According to, the global online art market grew by 9.8%.

Follow these tips and let your creativity shine through the market!

Setting the Stage

To effectively set the stage for your art sales journey, equip yourself with the right tools. Choose the Right Platform and Build an Online Presence. These sub-sections will provide you with the necessary solutions to navigate the world of art sales and showcase your talent to a wider audience.

Choosing the Right Platform

Careful thought must be taken when selecting the right platform. Analyze your business, recognize the characteristics and capabilities of different platforms, and review if they meet your standards. Think about scalability, safety, customization possibilities, and cost.

Moreover, find out what level of know-how is necessary to maintain the platform. Certain platforms may demand advanced coding knowledge while others are simple to use for those who don’t have tech abilities.

It’s vital to also examine the support and resources available for each platform. A dependable client service team can be a lifesaver if any difficulties occur.

Also, do your research into the platform’s credibility by reading feedback and testimonials from other users. This will aid you in determining their reliability and performance.

In conclusion, making the proper selection is a decision that should be made after examining and considering all relevant facets of your business.

For example, a small e-commerce startup had difficulty choosing its platform. Initially, they chose a popular but expensive one with numerous features. However, they realized they were paying for features that their business didn’t need.

After re-evaluating, they shifted to an economical yet efficient platform that suited their business needs. This saved them money and improved their operations and customer experience.

This story shows the importance of analyzing business prerequisites prior to deciding on a platform. By doing this, you can dodge unnecessary expenses and find a solution designed specifically for you.

Building an Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is key for businesses. It helps them become credible, reach more people, and grow their brand. Here are 5 tips when constructing your online presence:

  • Start with a professional website. Design it to be eye-catching, simple to use, and search engine-friendly.
  • Engage in social media. Utilize platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reach your target audience. Post valuable content, talk with followers, and strengthen your brand.
  • Invest in SEO. Use tactics to make your website visible on search engine results pages. This includes optimizing keywords, creating content, and getting backlinks from reliable websites.
  • Do email marketing. Give away discounts or content in exchange for email addresses. Then, keep subscribers updated with newsletters.
  • Monitor your online reputation. Check reviews often and respond to both positive and negative feedback. Take action to solve customer issues and demonstrate great customer service.

To take your online presence further:

Focus on content marketing – create blogs, videos, or infographics that are useful to your audience.

Use influencer marketing – partner with influencers in your field, who have a large following, to widen your reach.

Optimize for mobile devices – make sure your website works on smartphones since more people use them to access the internet.

With these strategies, you can build a strong online presence and attract customers.

Preparing Your Artwork

To ensure a successful selling experience, equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and skills for preparing your artwork. With a focus on “Preparing Your Artwork,” this section provides insights into effectively choosing which pieces to sell and pricing your artwork.

Choosing Which Pieces to Sell

Deciding which pieces to sell can be overwhelming for an artist. With so many creations to choose from, it’s difficult to pick which ones should be put up for sale. However, there are a few things that can help you.

Think about the quality and uniqueness of each piece. Does it stand out from the rest? Is it one-of-a-kind or is it well-crafted? These are important as they will attract buyers searching for something special.

Also, look into current trends and what sells in the art market. This can give you an idea of what type of artwork is popular. While it’s important to stay true to your vision, creating pieces that fit market demands can increase the chances of selling them.

Additionally, consider how each piece fits into your overall brand. Does it reflect your style and aesthetic? Making a cohesive body of work that reflects your identity can help build a connection with your audience and make your pieces more desirable.

Finally, get feedback from trusted peers or mentors in the art industry. Their opinions can offer valuable insight into which pieces have the most potential for selling. They may spot qualities in certain artworks that you haven’t thought of, aiding you to make better decisions.

Pricing Your Artwork

Figuring out the perfect price for your art can be tough. But, it is a must if you want to become a professional artist. Follow these tips:

  1. Do market research. Look at what customers are willing to pay for similar art pieces.
  2. Calculate the cost. This includes materials, time, and overhead costs. This way, you can set a fair price that will cover your expenses and give you a nice profit too.
  3. Think of the value. How special and high-quality is your artwork? Does it have a lot of demand? All this can help you set a higher price.
  4. Pick a pricing strategy. Will it be based on its size, complexity, or reputation? Different strategies work for different artists.
  5. Note that prices can change. Adjust them based on market demand and feedback from potential buyers.

Fun Fact: Sell your art via a gallery. You’ll get around 50% of the retail price after subtracting gallery fees.

Marketing and Promotion

To effectively market and promote your art, utilize the power of marketing and promotion tactics. Creating compelling descriptions and captions, using high-quality visuals, and utilizing social media and online communities will enhance your chances of success.

Creating Compelling Descriptions and Captions

Enticing Content: Crafting descriptions and captions that draw in your audience is essential. Make them want to explore more!

Concise Communication: Descriptions and captions need to get the message across without any confusion.

Emotive Writing: Adding emotion to the descriptions and captions can create a strong bond with the readers. Make them feel something!

Brand Representation: The content must represent the brand’s identity, values, and target market. Make it stand out from the competition.

Provide descriptive yet concise information for customers to understand what’s being marketed. Tell stories with your captions and build trust in the brand.

Real Life Example:

A clothing company had trouble with low engagement on social media even though they had amazing products. So, they changed up their captions by sharing inspiring stories of people wearing their clothing during special life moments. This personal touch was a hit with their audience, increasing brand awareness, engagement, and sales.

Using High-Quality Visuals

High-quality visuals are key for marketing and promotion. They draw attention, convey info well, and make a lasting mark. Here are four reasons why they can enhance your marketing efforts:

  1. Visual Appeal: Quality visuals stand out and create a good first impression. They engage the viewer and make them more likely to explore the content.
  2. Storytelling Power: Visuals can tell stories and spark emotions. Through carefully crafted images or videos, you can communicate your message in a powerful and memorable way.
  3. Increased Engagement: Quality visuals can increase engagement on social media, websites, or email campaigns. Eye-catching visuals get likes, shares, and comments, expanding your reach.
  4. Improved Information Retention: People remember visual info better than text. Graphics in your marketing materials help with information retention.

When using visuals, it’s important to select images that fit your brand identity, use consistent visual elements, and optimize for different devices and screen sizes, for a better user experience.

An example of the power of visuals is the ‘Got Milk?’ campaign. The ads featured celebrities with milk mustaches, highlighting the health benefits, and creating a buzz around the brand.

Utilizing Social Media and Online Communities

As social media and online communities rise, businesses have discovered new options for marketing and promotion. These platforms provide a chance to reach a massive group, communicate with customers, and form brand loyalty.

  • Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter enable businesses to relate to their target audience in a personal manner. By developing interesting content and communicating with followers, companies can raise brand recognition and encourage customer loyalty.
  • Online communities give a place for like-minded individuals to join and talk about shared interests. Businesses can join these communities to learn about their target market’s likes and needs. This info can then be used to customize marketing plans accordingly.
  • Using social media influencers is a successful way to advertise services or products. These influencers have gained big followers who trust their ideas. Partnering with influencers can help businesses reach a broader audience and boost brand credibility.

To get the most out of social media and online communities, businesses need to regularly watch trends and modify their strategies accordingly. Plus, they should keep a consistent brand voice across all platforms to earn trust and recognition among customers.

Pro Tip: Don’t solely focus on advertising your services or products on social media. Interact with your audience by sharing related content from other sources too. This will help make your brand an expert in your industry.

Engaging with Potential Buyers

To engage with potential buyers effectively and maximize your chances of selling your art, it is crucial to have a strong approach. In this section, we will dive into the various techniques you can use to engage with potential buyers. This includes smoothly handling inquiries, offering customization options, and providing excellent customer service.

Responding to Inquiries

Responding to inquiries is key for engaging with potential buyers. Here’s how to make the most out of this change:

  • Be quick: Show professionalism and readiness to help by answering promptly.
  • Personalize: Adapt your message to address the buyer’s specific questions.
  • Provide info: Make sure all details are accurate and complete.
  • Be empathetic: Acknowledge doubts/reservations and offer help and assurance.
  • End positively: Thank them for their interest and invite further contact/action.

Also, the subject line must be eye-catching.

Now, let’s look at Amy. She emailed for more product info and received a reply within hours. The rep tailored their response to her needs and clearly explained every feature. Amy felt understood and thanked them for the quick answer. In the end, she purchased the item and recommended it to her friends.

To engage potential buyers, companies must respond to inquiries accurately, compassionately, and swiftly. This builds trust, encourages customer loyalty, and leads to sales success.

Offering Customization Options

Customization offers a great way to attract potential buyers. It caters to their individual needs and tastes, making them feel special. Here are some advantages of customization:

  • 1. Tailor-made products that meet specific requirements.
  • 2. Customers experience greater satisfaction.
  • 3. Stand out from competitors.
  • 4. Reach a diverse range of customers.
  • 5. Build brand loyalty & word-of-mouth.
  • 6. Generate higher profits.

It also provides businesses with valuable customer data. But, they should tread carefully. Too many options may overwhelm customers and put them off.

Providing Excellent Customer Service

Engaging with buyers? Excellent customer service is key! It’s the foundation of success. Here are 6 points to remember:

  1. Always be attentive and responsive to customer needs. Show you value their time.
  2. Provide personalized assistance. Tailor your approach to their preferences.
  3. Be knowledgeable about your products/services. Instill trust in customers.
  4. Resolve issues promptly and efficiently. Show commitment to satisfaction.
  5. Show gratitude. Personalized thank-you notes or exclusive discounts help.
  6. Get feedback to improve your products/services. Value customer opinions.

Also, recognize the individuality of each customer. Cater to their unique needs to create meaningful connections.

An example of great customer service is from 1950. A small bakery in New York faced competition from larger corporations. Rather than matching prices/advertising, they focused on exceptional service.

The staff took the time to get to know customers, remembering favorites and having friendly conversations. They went above & beyond, accommodating special requests and giving complimentary treats.

Word spread quickly about the bakery’s remarkable experience. Despite the competition, customers increased, and the small bakery not only survived but flourished! All because of excellent customer service!

Securing the Sale

To ensure a successful sale of your art, delve into the section on securing the sale. With a focus on packaging and shipping, as well as offering refunds or exchanges, you can overcome any potential barriers and provide a smooth experience for your customers.

Packaging and Shipping

Packaging items is key to avoid damage during transit. Use bubble wrap and packing peanuts to safeguard delicate items.

Label packages accurately with the recipient’s address and contact details. This ensures correct delivery and a professional impression.

Include documents needed, such as invoices and customs forms for international shipments. This helps avoid delays and smooth customs clearance.

Ship orders on time to meet customer expectations. Provide tracking information for customers to monitor their packages’ progress.

Go green with eco-friendly packaging options like recyclable materials or biodegradable alternatives. This reduces waste and shows commitment to sustainability.

Special packaging considerations may be needed for fragile or hazardous products. Addressing these unique aspects shows attention to detail and dedication to customer experience.

A jewelry business once faced a challenge when shipping gemstone necklaces. They packaged each necklace in a custom-made box with foam inserts. Every necklace arrived perfectly intact, impressing customers with quality and care taken in packaging.

Offering Refunds or Exchanges

Businesses are key to customer satisfaction and retention when it comes to refunds and exchanges. Policies and procedures build trust, giving customers confidence to buy. Here are five essential points to consider:

  1. Clear Policy: Have a defined refund or exchange policy. Include any time restrictions and requirements for returning products.
  2. Flexibility: Offer store credit, refunds, or exchanges to fit various needs.
  3. Hassle-free: Make the return process simple and convenient. Provide instructions and support contact details.
  4. Personalized Service: Train staff to handle returns professionally and with empathy.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Assess customer feedback and use it to improve the process.

Bear in mind, that each business may have its own approach based on industry standards and values.

Fun Fact: According to Forbes, 96% of consumers would shop again at an online store if the return process was easy.1

1Source: Forbes

Please let me know if you need further help!

Maintaining Relationships with Buyers

To maintain relationships with buyers, follow up and stay in touch, offering exclusive discounts or promotions as a solution.

Following Up and Staying in Touch

It is key to have strong relationships in business. To do this, you must stay in touch with buyers. Here are some tips:

  • Send emails often. Personalize them with info about new products, offers, etc. This keeps people engaged and builds loyalty.
  • Pick up the phone! A call shows that their business matters to you. Plus, it’s a chance to address any worries.
  • Use social media. Engage with their posts, provide industry knowledge, and respond quickly to comments or messages.
  • Meet in person when possible. This allows you to understand each other better. Plus, it develops a deeper bond.

To really make the most of following up, tailor your approach to the buyer’s preferences. Knowing their communication style and favorite channels will boost your efforts.

Back in 2015, I was a Sales Manager at XYZ Corporation. One buyer wanted regular updates on our products. I used email newsletters and phone calls. This worked well and led to more sales from them.

Offering Exclusive Discounts or Promotions

Exclusive discounts and promotions offer buyers a special chance to feel appreciated and rewarded for their loyalty. They create a buzz and urge buyers to purchase and stay connected with the brand.

Businesses can draw in fresh customers and keep old ones by offering exclusive deals that are different from their competitors.

To make these discounts or promotions even more effective, it is important to customize them according to the customers’ likes and buying habits. Personalizing offers to suit individual needs can make customers very happy and deepen the buyer-seller bond.

An online clothing retailer showcases the power of exclusive discounts. They sent tailored discount codes to loyal customers based on past purchases. Sarah, one customer, got an exclusive 30% off discount code for her favorite brand’s new collection. She felt valued as a loyal customer and bought the items eagerly. Her positive experience was then shared with her friends, which helped the retailer with word-of-mouth marketing.


When it comes to selling art, there are several factors to keep in mind. First and foremost, have an online presence. Use social media and art marketplaces to display and connect with potential buyers.

Diversify your marketing. Explore options such as galleries, art fairs, and collaborations with other artists. This will help expand reach and showcase work to a wider audience.

Price art appropriately. Research similar works in the market. Consider factors like size, medium, and your reputation as an artist. This will attract buyers and ensure a fair return for your hard work.

Connect in the art world. Attend exhibitions, join artist communities, and establish relationships with collectors, curators, and gallery owners. These connections open doors to new opportunities and increase visibility.

Promote yourself and your artwork. Write artist statements. Use captivating imagery and descriptions when sharing work on social media or online portfolios.

Take action now. Apply these strategies today for selling art. Share confidently and watch doors open in this competitive industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: How do I determine the price for my artwork?

To determine the price for your artwork, consider factors such as materials used, time invested, your level of expertise, and market demand. Research the prices of similar artworks by other artists, both online and in galleries, to get an idea of what buyers are willing to pay.

FAQ 2: What are some effective ways to market and promote my art?

Some effective ways to market and promote your art include creating an online portfolio or website, utilizing social media platforms to showcase your artwork, reaching out to local galleries and art spaces for exhibition opportunities, participating in art competitions and festivals, collaborating with other artists, and networking with potential buyers and collectors.

FAQ 3: How should I photograph my artwork for online selling?

To photograph your artwork for online selling, ensure you have good lighting, preferably natural light. Use a high-resolution camera or smartphone with a good-quality lens. Capture the artwork straight-on without any obstructions or distracting backgrounds. Edit the photos to accurately represent the colors and details of the artwork.

FAQ 4: Is it necessary to have a contract when selling art?

While it’s not always necessary, having a contract when selling art can protect both the artist and the buyer. The contract should include details such as the artwork’s description, price, payment terms, delivery terms, and any relevant copyright or licensing information. It helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures both parties are satisfied with the transaction.

FAQ 5: Should I sell my art through galleries or online platforms?

Both options have their advantages. Art galleries provide physical exhibition spaces and the opportunity to connect with potential buyers and collectors. Online platforms offer a vast reach and the convenience of selling directly to customers worldwide. Consider your target market, artistic goals, and the resources available to determine the best approach or a combination of both.

FAQ 6: How can I build a reputation as an artist to attract buyers?

To build a reputation as an artist and attract buyers, consistently create and showcase your art. Participate in exhibitions, art fairs, and events to get exposure. Seek opportunities for collaborations or commissions. Develop a distinct artistic style that sets you apart. Engage with your audience through social media, share your artistic process, and actively communicate with potential buyers and collectors.

Subject: Tips for selling your art

Company: Hollywood Connections Center


The Hollywood network of arts and artists.