Eric Christopher Jackson


Jacksonville - United States
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Key Skills:Photographic Artist, Creative Writer.
Country:United States
State / Province:Florida
Zip/Postal Code:32218

Eric Christopher Jackson, Photographic Artist, Creative Writer. Find amazing in the ordinary.

Eric Christopher Jackson is an Artist and Creative Writer born & raised in Fort Lauderdale, FL. He enjoys conceptualizing Visual Stories to communicate deeper emotions and messages. The Collection consists of artistic photography ranging from Landscapes & Automobiles to Portraits & Still Life.

Eric’s Creative Writing includes poetry, short stories, and screenplays, some of which are featured in self-published books. Genres range from Comedy to Suspense with a touch of Horror. Much of the work is meant to be creative & thought-provoking to elicit conversation between family & friends.

Skills Summary:

Photography, Creative Writing, Photo Editing, Story Concepts

Employment History:

02/ 2017 – The Artbox Gallery
Job Title: Resident Artist
Founded in 2016, artwork is included in the Gallery’s Group Exhibit in Switzerland. Seven pieces were selected to be exhibited on the website. Art will also be on exhibit during the year at major Art Fairs including Art Basel at Euroairport.

07/ 2012 – Eric Christopher Jackson
Job Title: Photographic Artist | Creative Writer
Owner of a growing collection of artwork including landscapes, automobiles, and still life photography. Event and Portrait sessions available. Writing consists of poetry, short stories, screenplays, and articles.

Education & Training:

2011 | The Art Institute of California – Orange County
Major: Graphic Design (A.S.)

Awards | Prizes:

2011 | Azusa Pacific University 48-Hour Film Festival
Project: Student Film: "No Fear"
Role: Screenwriter, Extra
Awards: First Place, Best Actor, Best Actress