Alton James


Chesterfield - United States
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Key Skills:Singer, Songwriter, Composer
Country:United States
State / Province:Missouri
Company Name:J IV Media
Work Phone:313 530 4263

This born-and-raised native Detroiter grew up on the stylings of Motown music. However, having grown up in the church, James began singing and playing at an early age. His love for ensembles and directing choirs fostered a great love of film music. James later went on to take up Theory, Composition, Conducting, Computer Music, Voice, Jazz Piano, and Organ at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor.

This multitalented singer/songwriter/composer excels in sound design, sound engineering, and arranging. While piano/keyboard is his main instrument, James has the ability to play percussion, guitar, organ, and bass. Last but not least, James is the owner of J IV Media LLC—a Metro Detroit-based company that provides music for advertising, television, and film.

Crafting music for television and film media, James shows a range of styles and versatility. Utilizing his experience with singing, arranging, and songwriting, Alton James’s contribution to visual media is stunningly original and true to life!