Jennifer Janz


Portland - United States
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Key Skills:Food Stylist
Country:United States
State / Province:Oregon
Company Name:A Fabulous Food Stylist & Co.
Contact Person:Jennifer Janz
Work Phone:(414) 412-3663

Jennifer Janz of A Fabulous Food Stylist & Co. has been a professional food stylist for 25 years. Her work is seen in advertisements, magazines, cookbooks, TV commercials, and food Packaging. Hire Jennifer for your next project or attend her workshops.

Employment History:

Jennifer Janz's company, A Fabulous Food Stylist & Co., provides food styling services as well as food styling training to companies and individuals.
Jennifer resides in Portland Oregon but also works as a local in Seattle, Chicago, and Milwaukee (her hometown).

Education & Training:

Jennifer Janz has a bachelors degree in fine art and visual communications. Her areas of study included graphic design, fine art and photography. After college Jennifer worked as a production assistant, graphic designer and a photography assistant for a few years but soon fell in love with food styling. Jennifer's love of cooking and food photography formed the passion that drove her success in the food styling industry. She also teaches companies, restaurants and individuals how to style food for social media, ads and more.