Alena Sazonova


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:A fashion, beauty, and advertising photographer
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Work Phone:+1-415-728-2374

Alena Sazonova is a fashion, beauty, and advertising photographer with a wide range of commercial and creative projects.
Alena Sazonova works with clothing, accessories, and cosmetics manufacturers, celebrities, fashion designers, top stylists, and makeup artists. Alenaā€™s fashion editorials are regularly published in US and European fashion and beauty magazines.
Commercial experience:

  • Lookbooks for apparel brands and fashion designers
  • Jewelry and accessories collections and advertising
  • Commercial photoshoots for cosmetics companies
  • Editorial photoshoots
  • Portraiture, models/actors portfolio
  • Advanced retouching

Recent publications:
LUCYā€™s Magazine, Ellements Magazine, House of Solo, The Dapifer Magazine, Volition Magazine, HUF Magazine, Dreamingless Magazine, Astound Magazine, Fashion Shift Magazine, Giuseppina Magazine and others.

Skills Summary:

Fashion photography
Beauty photography
Lookbooks and commercials
Editorial photography
Portraiture, models/actors portfolio
Advanced retouching