Amber Q


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Specializing in customized voice lessons
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Contact Person:Amber Q

Specializing in customized voice lessons fit to meet the needs of each individual singing student. Singing Lessons Online via Skype covering:

Music Theory
Ear Training & Pitch
Solfege & Scales
Tone & Technique
Placement & Shaping
Vowels and more!

Skills Summary:

Vocal coach Amber Q offers singing lessons in-person and online to students all over the world. Also an experienced Vocal Producer she services recording artists in the studio as they track their vocals. You can hear her sing on national television & commercials as a Session Vocalist or in her band Boardwalk as an artist. Session examples can be found on Soundcloud under Amber Q.

Employment History:

I've been teaching in Los Angeles for about 10 years and when I started all of my students were local singers. Over the years people relocated to different cities but continued their lessons online. Now the majority of my lessons are given via Skype.. But I always enjoy when a Skype student is visiting LA and comes by for an "in person" session.