Become A Host


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:hosting academy
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90025
Street Address:2050 S Bundy Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Company Name:Become A Host
Contact Person:Marki Costello
Work Phone:310-207-7333

Become A Host is the premier hosting academy, founded by industry veteran and media coach, Marki Costello. With a world-famous hosting boot camp, a prestigious ongoing school, various workshops in specialized areas of hosting, and production packages to meet all your shooting and editing needs, Become A Host is your one-stop-shop for taking your on-camera career to the next level.

Skills Summary:

Marki Costello is the #1 Media Coach in the world with over 2 decades on Hollywood's front line.
While a strong gene pool may have been a defining influence insofar as her career direction (her grandfather was Lou Costello of the legendary comedy duo, Abbott & Costello), Marki has successfully built her business from the ground up.
She has been named to "Who's Who of American Women" by W and Los Angeles Times Magazines, and is well known and respected by a diverse cross-section of entertainment and industry executives across the globe.

Employment History:

This is it. The original. Celebrating its 20th year, the world famous Hosting Bootcamp gives you an honest introduction to the industry like no other. Taught by Marki Costello, this program is intense. You'll discover your brand, practice auditioning, read and write copy, practice co-hosting, work on teleprompter and shoot on green screen. Plus, you get the full "Marki" experience, learning the most invaluable tips for your career. As an On-Camera Host/Personality/Brand/Digital Influencer, you DO NOT want to let another year go by without getting the information you'll need to succeed in this new social, digital, interactive dawn of media. Experience what hundreds of Talent have done to kick-start their on-camera careers.