Blythe Interiors


San Diego - United States
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Key Skills:We make life more beautiful
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:San Diego
Zip/Postal Code:92103
Street Address:3103 Falcon St, Ste. L, San Diego, CA 92103
Company Name:Blythe Interiors
Contact Person:Jennifer Verruto
Work Phone:(619) 534-3359

Residential Interiors, Homes, Apartments, Condos, Studio Apartments, Bachelor Pads, Vacation Rentals, Children’s rooms, Move-in Consultations, Paint Consultations. Our philosophy is simple. We believe that good design should be accessible to everyone, offering creative ways to bring homes to life. Whether you’re redesigning your entire home or just looking to freshen up a room or two, we’ll take the time to understand your personal style, creating a thoughtful space that delights and inspires.

Employment History:

Jennifer Verruto started Blythe Interiors eight years ago as a one-woman show from her home office. She was working at a model home design firm by day and was taking on little side projects for friends and family on nights and weekends. When this grew by word of mouth to be more than she could handle as a side gig, Jennifer took the leap of faith and started working full time on her own. After a few years, Jennifer realized she could use an assistant. She started bringing on a new person to the team every time she got too busy, and now we have eleven employees ... and we're still growing! In addition to our San Diego headquarters, we have second office in Spokane, WA, led by our Senior Designer extraordinare, Carter Crandall.