Bronzed Bliss Tan


Silver Lake - United States
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Key Skills:Experience the best in spray tanning
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Silver Lake
Zip/Postal Code:90026
Company Name:Bronzed Bliss Tan
Contact Person:Kayla
Work Phone:(323) 454-3787

Itā€™s 5 oā€™clock somewhere! Book a tan between 5-7:00 p.m. Wednesday – Friday for $50.00! (Mobile session only.) Flawless spray tanning done in the comfort of your own home! Multiple solutions and colors to choose from. Getting glam has never been so easy! Shoot is a text message today for information and to book appointments. Serving all of Los Angeles.

Skills Summary:

Since 2009, Bronzed Bliss Spray Tanning has grown to be one of the most reliable spray tanning technicians in the Los Angeles area, guaranteeing quality and professionalism to all of their clients. Over the years, they have always been committed to making their devoted clients look stunning and feel their best. Contact them and see what their team of qualified professionals have to offer you today!