Daniel Porta


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Writing coach
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:91502

Daniel Porta based in San Diego California, helps you become the best writer you can be. With the feedback you can rely on, the coach brings you years of writing and editing experience.

Every writer struggles, but you don’t have to struggle alone. Working with a creative writing coach can help you get past blocks, be more productive, and proceed with confidence. Many writers who stop writing aren’t acutely aware of why they stopped. A writing coach can help you discover the reason and help you move forward.

With a writing coach, you can:

Start writing again
Learn to set reasonable, workable goals
Learn which tools of the craft you’re missing such as structure, elements of scene writing, character arc/development, etc.
Be accountable to those goals
Conquer creative blocks
Understand why you feel your writing isn’t working
Learn to move past fears
Get unstuck
Receive help with structure and character arc as it pertain to your project
Improve your scene-writing skills
Gain confidence
Cope with anxieties surrounding your writing
Learn ways to deal with your inner critic
Book a free discovery session so I can find out if I’ll be a good fit for each other. I can work together in person or online.

When you finish your first draft, I send you off with a Rewrite Plan. I can support you through this process as well if you wish. Once you finish your rewrites, I refer you to an editor who has relationships with agents for final edits.