Ed Fitness


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Fitness
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Contact Person:Edward

Whether you are looking to build lean muscle, trim body fat, or improve your overall well-being, I offer integrated exercise programs catered specifically to YOUR needs. All sessions are results-driven, innovative, and mixed in with a little fun! My comprehensive approach can be intensive, supportive, or a combination of both. Regardless of fitness level, I will find something that suits your goals, personality, and lifestyle!

Skills Summary:

Edward was born and raised in Brownsville, Tx. He grew up with a love for sports and fitness training. He studied at the University of Texas at Austin, and moved to Los Angeles, CA to pursue his passion within the fitness industry.

Edward has an extensive background in sports and athletic training, which helps with incorporating fun, integrated training protocols catered towards each and every client. From stabilization & flexibility, to advance strength and power lifting - Edward can provide a fun, innovative and safe approach to achieve every physical performance that the client wishes to achieve. With a background in Football, Soccer, Track and Field, and Basketball, Edward can also integrate an athletic sports induced training program for the sports enthusiast.