Flor de Liz Guior


Las Vegas - United States
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Key Skills:custom gowns, custom costumes
Country:United States
State / Province:Nevada
City:Las Vegas
Zip/Postal Code:89113
Street Address:7336 W. Post Road, Suite 103 Las Vegas, NV 89113
Company Name:Flor de Liz Guior
Work Phone:(702) 476-1641

We specialize in the following: custom gowns, custom costumes, leather goods, luxurious ready-to-wear garments Concentrating on slow-fashion ideals, everything is made in the USA, here in our Las Vegas, NV fashion atelier, with the goal of delivering conscious, high-quality designs to our caring customers. Through a behind-the-scenes look on social media, we show how everything is made, ensuring our ethical practices. Our mission is to provide exceptional and personable customer service whilst designing luxurious, innovative, and fashionable evening wear. We value personalized customer service and strong relationships with our clients, as a means to build trust in what we do.

Skills Summary:

Creating evening wear and custom designs, Flor de Liz Guior aims to dress today's confident woman for any event. Our client appreciates the attention to detail in our garments, and understands the value of fine craftsmanship.

Through her knowledge and appreciation of fashion, our fashion designer and co-founder, Flor de Liz, is dedicated to making your garments with ethical and conscientious choices. Everyone at Flor de Liz Guior brings forth the luxurious women's wear brand you know today.

Employment History:

Flor de Liz Guior Fashion House was founded in early 2018 by husband and wife, Flor de Liz and Jack Guior after she earned her B.A. degree in Fashion Design. Both believe that with her designs and ethical practices, they can bring forth a responsible fashion house here in Las Vegas, NV.