Funny Biz Speech Writers


Santa Monica - United States
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Key Skills:We custom-write funny speeches
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Santa Monica
Zip/Postal Code:90405
Company Name:Funny Biz Speech Writers
Contact Person:Adam Gropman
Work Phone:323.244.1496

We custom-write funny speeches, roasts, presentations, scripts, standup, and corporate comedy for all occasions- corporate, business, wedding, birthday, bar mitzvah, anniversary, organizational, or election events. We are proven LA comedy writers with TV, sketch, radio & print credits, and dozens & dozens of happy clients, and our humor is cutting-edge, HBO/Comedy Central – level, at an affordable price!

Employment History:

Funny Biz Speech Writers originated with Adam Gropman's experience writing and performing comedy in Los Angeles. Repeatedly asked to write material for his professional comedian friends and acquaintances, Gropman soon formalized this venure into the Funny Biz, writing both standup comedy and sketch material for top professional TV comedians internationally, and writing speeches, roasts and presentations for private citizens who needed to be funny at private, business, corporate or public events. Adam loves writing funny personalized material for people and letting them be the star of the show at their event.