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Key Skills:Tattoo Artist
Country:United States
State / Province:Arizona
Zip/Postal Code:85201
Street Address:1749 West Main Street suite #4
Company Name:Inkreytattoos
Contact Person:Johnny Rey
Work Phone:(602) 465-8180

I have been tattooing professionally for 10 years. I have worked in several shops and conventions throughout the U.S. Winner of awards for my color tattoos, portraits, and cover-ups, but thoroughly enjoy a variety of styles including black and grey. Often I am asked what I specialize in, to which I respond that I do not feel I have a specialty but prefer realism and surrealism. My portraits are what I am most notably recognized for. Other mediums of art that I practice include charcoal, oil painting, and airbrushing.

Skills Summary:

Johnny Rey owns and manages Inkreytattoos. Tattooing professionally for more than 10 years, winner of several awards for his tattoos in color, cover-ups, portraits and asian style. He strives to better his craft and prides himself in giving every client an amazing experience as well as a beautifully done piece of art they may proudly wear for the rest of their lives.
Johnny is also a husband and father to three beautiful girls and has a son on the way! Balancing a family and a business can be quite a challenge, but one he is thankful to have.

Employment History:

Been Tattooing professionally since 2009, and have worked at several shops in Texas , Florida, and Arizona. Have experience working in a variety of settings, from fast paced flash art shops to private studio, appointment only places and continue to travel and work several tattoo conventions thru out the U.S . I have won awards and recognition for my tattoos in many different states and in a variety of categories. Most notably recognized for my portraits, I do also enjoy other styles of tattoos. Illustrative , black n grey, color, and neo traditional are among a few of my favorites. I have also won an award for my cover up work. If you have a tattoo that was done elsewhere and are unhappy with contact me to discuss your options to cover it with a better quality tattoo.