Jack R Smith


Ormond Beach - United States
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Key Skills:Professional voice actor, artist, talent.
Country:United States
State / Province:Florida
City:Ormond Beach
Zip/Postal Code:32174
Company Name:Voices You Hear
Contact Person:Jack R Smith
Work Phone:386-627-5321

Professional voice actor, artist, talent. Will deliver premier audio and service. Professional studio for the best quality audio results for voice-over projects. Full-time, non-union voice actor. Have been a voice actor for several years and worked all over the United States in almost every genre. Have also worked with some of the best coaches in the industry. Have a professional studio.

Skills Summary:

Can do all editing as well as music and sound background.

Employment History:

Since 2012 have been a full-time voice actor. Had part in short film and Cannes award winner, "Town Red" Have done documentary work for Lionheart Films. YouTube video for Cage Personnel. E-Learning project for PayPal. Other narration and e-learning project, On-hold/IVR messaging and 6 Audiobooks.

Education & Training:

Have worked with some of the best coaches in the industry. The last one being Marc Graue from L.A. who produced my last Commercial demo. Have also worked with Bill Dewees, Dan Friedman, Terry Daniel, and Mary Lynn Wissner.