Jenn Menzer


Boston - United States
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Key Skills:Personal Training & Health Coaching
Country:United States
State / Province:Massachusetts
Zip/Postal Code:02116
Company Name:Jenn Menzer Wellness
Contact Person:Jenn Menzer

Results Driven Personal Training Weight Loss/Nutrition and Life Coaching Private Yoga and Pilates Instruction Kettlebells and TRX Instruction Pre-Natal and Post Partum Exercise Specialist Corporate Fitness Training & Nutrition Coaching Detox/Elimination Diet Specialist Jenn Menzer specializes in creating an individualized health and wellness plan that includes stress reduction, goal setting, accountability and achievement. Don’t you deserve to be your most healthiest, vibrant self?


Skills Summary:

As a multimodal fitness expert, I work dynamically with my clients to tailor each workout to their unique needs, goals and often to their mood. Exercise should be dynamic, exciting and fun. Changing up your routine is the only way to keep your muscles guessing, and your mind engaged. I'm a Certified Master Fitness Trainer, Yoga & Pilates Instructor, and Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach. I specialize in healthy, manageable nutrition programming, Pre/Post Natal Fitness, Kettlebells, and keeping exercise fun! With my broad background and vast repertoire of effective and meaningful fitness routines I'll create a wellness program based on what you need, and what you genuinely enjoy.

I am here to support and encourage that vision in a way that keeps you interested, motivated and engaged. We'll have fun when you sweat, I promise.