Jo-Ann Pantoja


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Auditioning, Coaching for film and television.
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90036
Street Address:7461 Beverly Blvd | Classes Suite #401
Company Name:Acting Coach - Jo-Ann Pantoja
Work Phone:(323) 834-2404

Jo-Ann Pantoja has almost two decades of industry experience in theater working alongside the likes of James Franco, Mark Pellegrino, and Jamie Anne Allman as a working actor in both film and television. Her recent credits include the feature film “Confessions of a Womanizer”, a recurring spot on “After Chelsea Lately” & General Hospital, as well as appearing in over 20 national commercials to date.
Jo-Ann Pantoja’s relationship with Annie Grindlay began in 2005 at Margie Haber Studio. When Annie left in 2009 to start Annie Grindlay Studio: The Audition Experience, Jo-Ann joined her to become an instructor and Studio Director. Jo-Ann has taught and coached hundreds of actors since. Her students and private coaching clients have been featured in dozens of feature films – “Maggie’s Dawn”, “Dead Man Walking”, “Black Hole of Calcutta” to name a few – and have appeared on every major television network including “Mad Men (AMC), “New Girl (FOX), “Modern Family” (ABC), “Ray Donovan” (Showtime), “Jane the Virgin” (CW), “30 Rock” (NBC), “Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders” (CBS), “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” (FOX), “Breaking Bad” (AMC) and “Better Call Saul” (AMC) and many, many more. Jo-Ann has studied with some of the most respected Los Angeles-based acting instructors including Robert Carnegie, Lesly Kahn, Diane Castle, Harry Mastrogeorge, and Larry Moss, improv training at both UCB & The Groundlings