Ken Codeglia


San Francisco - United States
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Key Skills:On-location sound recording services
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:San Francisco
Street Address:20500 Ventura Blvd
Contact Person:Ken Codeglia
Work Phone:415-385-4811

I work in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles as a local. I provide on-location sound recording services for feature films, documentaries, and corporate producers. I have been in television and video for over 30 years, writing, producing, directing, shooting, and editing.
After graduating from San Francisco State with a degree in Broadcasting, I went to work at 3 San Francisco Bay Area television stations, doing promotional activity and writing, then production. After that, I Hewlett-Packard Company where I directed corporate videos using actors. As virtual events became possible, I directed multi-camera large-scale satellite broadcasts and live-streaming video events.
Today I am passionate about field sound production as a boom operator, mixer, and recordist. I am a member of the Audio Engineering Society. I still shoot and edit HD corporate and documentary projects as well.