Klara Haloho


Destin - United States
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Key Skills:Leather & pearl jewelry for all ages
Country:United States
State / Province:Florida
Zip/Postal Code:32789
Street Address:4123 Legendary Drive Destin, Florida
Company Name:Klara Haloho
Work Phone:(404) 723-5674

Leather & pearl jewelry for all ages. Male and female. Using freshwater pearls & south sea pearls including Tahitian pearls. Handmade in the USA. A new way to wear pearls casually or dress up. Goes with both. Available in a SOCIALITE collection & an ISLAND collection (water-friendly) depending on your lifestyle.

It all started with my LOVE with pearls. Mesmerized by the beauty and the individuality of each one of them. They (pearls) just remind me of each one of us. Individual and different. None of us are exactly the same. We could be alike in something but NEVER exactly the same. There is always a distinction between one and another in a perfect way. I grew up working with my hand. And combinations of handmade and pearls can’t get any better than that. They complement each other and characterize each design individually.