Kobelli Fine Jewelry


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Unique diamond jewelry products
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90017
Street Address:801 South Flower Street 3rd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017
Company Name:Kobelli Fine Jewelry
Work Phone:(800) 432-3222

Based in Los Angeles, Kobelli designs are some of the most magnificent and unique diamond jewelry products in the world. With over 30 years of experience as a manufacturer and importer of diamonds and diamond-encrusted jewelry, Kobelli creations range from the classic beauty of a three-stone ring to the most intricate of one-of-a-kind designs, incorporating natural fancy center and accent diamonds, various shaped side diamonds, and truly remarkable craftsmanship. Founded in the 1980s, Kobelli jewelry has been carried at nationwide retailers such as Macy’s, Robins Brothers, and Baxter Jewelers to name a few. Now, we’re passing the savings on to you through our online store. Our Customer Service Buying jewelry online can be daunting. Our specialists are standing by to assist you with any questions you may have. We want to ensure complete confidence in every purchase.

Skills Summary:

Unique diamond engagement rings, wedding rings sets. Diamond jewelry, Lab created diamonds, Moissanite, and gemstones. Made in the USA since 1980. We offer Layaway and financing. Free shipping and returns within the US. 30 days full money back. Lifetime manufacturer warranty. We Guarantee The Best Prices. Visit our showroom in Downtown L.A