Lynette Mcneill


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Acting School in Los Angeles
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90004
Street Address:419 N Larchmont, Los Angeles, CA 90004
Company Name:Lynette Mcneill Acting Studio
Contact Person:Lynette Mcneill
Work Phone:(310) 274-1085

The goal at Lynette McNeill Studio is to produce confident actors who are equipped with the skills they need to perform in any situation and to do so with outstanding results. The one constant in the entertainment industry is that it’s full of change. It takes an actor who is strong and confident with his acting abilities to handle whatever comes his way when conditions are less than perfect. Creating good work without agonizing is the name of the game.

Skills Summary:

An award winning director and producer, Lynette McNeill has helped guide the careers of many A-list celebs and budding actors alike from Adam Sandler and Jason Lee to Tyler Blackburn on "Pretty Little Liars." Lynette has worked with 3 Academy Award winning directors and producers and
is often asked to coach actors both on and off set.

Employment History:

We have been offering acting classes and private coaching in Los Angeles and have helped to launch the careers of Adam Sandler, Ellen DeGeneres, Jason Lee, Giovanni, Jane Leeves, Janeane Garofalo, and Faith Ford.