Michael Ferraro


Harrison - United States
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Key Skills:Actor
Country:United States
State / Province:New York
Zip/Postal Code:10528
Age Range:25-30
Height Range:5’8” / 173cm
Build:Athletic / Toned
Hair Color:Brown
Artist Contract:Non-Union

Weighing an ideal 163lbs., he has worked hard to achieve the athletic build he now possesses. While wildly passionate about acting, he is one of the athletic American male actors who can also nicely fill in the producer and screenwriter roles. Based in Manhattan, New York, Michael T. Ferraro actor, has had notable roles in films like 2014’s The Factory and Rise Of The Silent Wolf. He is someone who can accurately portray a wide range of male roles and always does his research on the role.

Having graduated from the New York Film Academy and attending numerous acting workshops, he feels it’s time and that he’s ready, more than ever, to take on more challenging roles as an actor. Of all his many skills and interests, Michael is most passionate about acting. He believes that his ridiculously strong work ethic along with his God-given natural ability for acting are the keys to more future success in his acting career. He believes that where he is today does not dictate where he will be tomorrow. In fact, he tells us that what’s important is not where you are right now, but who you are becoming.

For Michael T. Ferraro, it’s more than just a race to get to the top – more importantly, he says that it’s all about laying a strong foundation that will help you stay at the top later on in your career.

This is a clip from the pilot episode of Mr. Jangle, which is about a kid’s drunken party clown.

Skills Summary:

Driver License, Football, Baseball, Swimming, Rock Climbing, Boxing, Muay Thai, Sprinting, Weight Training, Great with Kids, Great with Animals, Cooking, Inspirational speaker, hair cutting, dancing, power point, word documents, office, painting, sanding, fixing car brakes, fixing rotors on a car, color coordinating outfits, color coordinating homes, New Yorker accent.

Employment History:

1. Actor
2. Personal Trainer
3. Boxing Instructor
4. Kids Magician

Education & Training:


Bruce Ornstein:
Monologue Training
Scene Study
Voice & Movement

Ken Schatz:
Speaking with Distinction
Scene Study

New York Film Academy:
Acting for Film/ Liz Foley
Meisner Technique/ Kathy Curtis
Acting Technique/ Daniel Winerman
Scene Study/ Alyssa Ciccarello
Voice & Movement/ Jeff Takacs

Advanced Study for TV & Film/ Kevin Stapleton
Advanced Scene Study for Soaps/ Sheryl Fisher
Monologue Study/ Brooke Bundy
Improvisation Study/ Jeffery Gafner



One Life to Live
Xombie Music Video
Mysteries at the Castle


Irony of Catharsis
The Leviathan
The Tyrant of the Army of Sin
The Factory
The Adjustment Bureau
Light & Dark
Street Tough
The Business
Ladies First
Only You

Web Series:
Mr. Jangle

Commercial :

Merchant Lynx Employment Infomercial