Michelle Leclercq


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Singer, Musician
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:91101
Language:English - Spanish
Contact Person:Michelle Leclercq

Music is all about passion and emotion but without the right tools, it can become really challenging to perform. I wanna help you take your voice to the next level. Extend your vocal range, learn technique, skills, breath control, and performance, and increase your confidence. All ages. A fun and creative environment! I also offer piano and guitar lessons so you can accompany yourself when performing. Contact me for special pricing All ages! Friendly! I speak English and Spanish

Skills Summary:

Born in Argentina, based in Los Angeles, Michelle Leclercq is a singer/ songwriter/producer known for her latin infused pop songs. Described as "captivating" by Latin American press, Michelle's debut single "The Mission" reached #1 on iTunes Argentina. Her successful compositions and her beautiful voice have called the attention of major producers and record labels. Her most recent accomplishment includes being chosen to sing the Argentinean national anthem at the NBA retirement ceremony of Manu Ginobili.
Growing up Michelle was considered by her family and teachers a musical genius. Since the age of six she played violin at her school's orchestra, and she taught herself how to play piano and guitar. With her short but interesting career Michelle has already performed at several local venues throughout California, Argentina, Paraguay and Australia.