Mindy Montavon


Los Angeles - United States
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Key Skills:Acting
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Los Angeles
Zip/Postal Code:90732
Age Range:31-40
Height Range:5ā€™6ā€¯ / 168cm
Hair Color:Brown
Artist Contract:Union

I’m a Southwest girl who always wanted to be a native Angelino. In elementary school, I lived on the outskirts of Vegas (which used to just be Henderson). I attended year-round school, which meant we got to take road trips to Disneyland a couple of times a year during the off-season and didn’t have to wait in nearly as long lines as people who only had summers off. And I fell in love with Southern California. This was merely solidified when I saw the movie “The Mask” and developed a life-changing crush on Jim Carrey. I thought, “How will I ever get to meet him??? He’s an actor…what if I were an actress…?” I then broke my parents’ hearts by declaring I wanted to be an actress and have been following my passion all across the country ever since I graduated high school.

I moved to NYC for school where I studied musical theater at the American Musical & Dramatic Academy and proceeded to do regional theater up and down the East Coast. I relocated to SW Florida for a few years where I worked at a theater on Sanibel Island – not just as an actress, but also as their marketing director. It made for a nice change from the /acting job of waiting tables. While I was down there I got married, and about a year later I finally made the move to my dream home of Los Angeles.

With the industry ever-changing and people now creating their own content, MK2 Productions was born – and my husband and I created our web series, The Bomb Shelter. It took a few more years before we were able to finance another shoot, but at last, we produced our short film,Ā The Possessed Waiter. The Bomb Shelter and Possessed Waiter continue to live on, though (like most SoCal relationships) our marriage did not. Will MK2 Productions end there? I guess only time will tell.

So who am I? An actress pursuing my passion in the City of Angels, the city I love and call home. I’ve been very fortunate to do what I love and still keep a roof over my head. I’ve learned that the only thing that’s sure in life is change; and if there are no guarantees, Carpe Diem. “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take..” – Lewis Carroll

To keep up to date with my “goings-ons,” feel free to find me on Facebook or Twitter! Ā Thanks for stopping by!