Nicholas Palmer


Grand Rapids - United States
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Key Skills:Composer / Conductor
Country:United States
State / Province:Michigan
City:Grand Rapids
Zip/Postal Code:49534-5835
Street Address:111 MAYNARD AVE SW Walker Mi 49534
Company Name:Nicholas Palmer Music
Work Phone:616-634-7860

I am a fast-working composer and conductor, who creates recordings of live or digital scores for media. Most of my work is for concerts and other live performances, but digital work is fun to create because of the endless possibilities.

My largest projects have been feature-length war documentaries that have aired on PBS and The History Channel. Other smaller projects have been similar subject documentaries, short indie films, and video games.

Composers I sound like Bach to Copland, Thomas Newman, and John Williams (on a good day).

I received my BA and MA in music composition from the University of Chicago, with extensive private study and performance with various keyboards and conducting.

Skills Summary:

Music director (keyboards, conducting) 1988-present
Symphony keyboardist - 2000-present
Choral conductor - 2000-present

Education & Training:

University of Chicago, BA and MA in music composition