Real Hero Parties


North Richland Hills - United States
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Key Skills:Custom characters with a greater purpose
Country:United States
State / Province:Texas
City:North Richland Hills
Zip/Postal Code:76180
Street Address:5424 Rufe Snow Dr, North Richland Hills, TX 76180
Company Name:Real Hero Parties
Work Phone:(817) 754-0757

We all know that kids enjoy seeing their favorite characters in comic books and on the screen, but what they sometimes don’t grasp in those action-packed adventures is what truly makes those heroes ‘heroic.’ At Real Hero Parties, our vision is to help kids understand why their role models are worth modeling after. During your event, your requested hero will take a few minutes to talk to the kids about what truly makes someone heroic. He will discuss character traits beyond huge muscles and cool disguises – things that matter now and in the future.

Employment History:

Established in 2015 - We started Real Hero Parties with a vision to bring joy to the lives of children and adults throughout the DFW area with character entertainment. We wanted to use this platform to honor the real heroes all around us, while bringing the excitement of your favorite character to life. It's been amazing to see our dream realized every week as we slowly change the face of this industry, developing trust and engaging the community one event at a time.