Rice Speechwriting


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Key Skills:Speech writing
Country:United States
State / Province:World
Company Name:Rice Speechwriting
Contact Person:Eddie Rice

My name is Eddie Rice and I’ve been a speech writer for over 10 years. As an executive speech writer, I’ve worked with  CEOs, college presidents, government officials, and business owners. Let me help you tell your story. Your words can move your company and your people to action; they can make the difference between a lackluster or thriving culture.

Chances are, you don’t have enough time to craft the perfect speech. It’s important for any leader to delegate tasks–let me help you. I’ve won regional and national awards through various public speaking competitions.

My past clients have given speeches to groups as small as 10 people to over 1,000. The right speech fits the size and needs of its audience. It’s my belief that anyone can become a good speaker with the right words and the right amount of effort. Let’s get started on that speech that will inspire the hearts and minds of your followers.

People tune out speeches that are nothing more than information thrown at them for 60 minutes. Stories help to anchor the facts and information into your audience’s memories.

Your speech should sound like you. Through written surveys and phone calls with me, you’ll get a speech that sounds like you.

It is my goal to work closely with you and your team on your speech. I value your input and your ideas; it is my role to amplify them and make them shine.

Any speech comes with two rounds of revisions along with the possibility of more. It is more important to me that the job is done right rather than done quickly.

A speech is meant to be spoken and its delivery should sound like a conversation with the audience rather than you reading a book to them. We’ll work to make the speech sound engaging and interesting.

Our process begins with a survey that helps determine the right message for the key members of the audience, which ensures a message that will resonate with them.

Skills Summary:

• CEO Remarks
• Keynote speeches
• Best man, maid of honor, father/mother of the bride wedding toasts
• TED and TEDx Talks
• Retirement speeches
• Ceremonial speeches: Commemorations, awards acceptances, and galas
• Government policy speeches
• Political campaign speeches
• Startup business pitches