Signature Party Rentals


Santa Ana - United States
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Key Skills:Party Rentals
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:Santa Ana
Zip/Postal Code:92704
Street Address:3100 S. Susan Street Santa Ana, CA 92704
Company Name:Signature Party Rentals
Work Phone:(760) 863-0671

Founded in 1986, Signature Party Rentals is one of the leading party rental companies in Southern California. With more than 50,000 square feet of warehouse space, the company provides party equipment for commercial and residential clients. It offers party services for over 5,000 individuals. Signature Party Rentals provides equipment, such as chairs, tables, umbrellas, chair covers, carpet runners, flatware, and glassware, as well as buffet service items. It is a full-service company that offers a range of services that includes catering and on-site consulting for space planning and event design. Signature Party Rentals maintains one of its locations in Santa Ana, Calif., with an additional office in Indo, Calif.

Employment History:

Established in 1990 - Since 1986, people have recognized Signature Party Rentals as the premiere party rental company in Southern California.