Tammy Dixon


San Jose - United States
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Key Skills:Actor, Model, Dancer, Singer
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:San Jose
Ethnicity:Middle Eastern
Age Range:18-24
Height Range:5’0” / 152cm
Hair Color:Black
Artist Contract:Non-Union

My name is Tammy Dixon, I am from San Jose California, and am half Italian. I have always been that child who loves everything to do with the arts- acting, creating films, writing scripts, playing instruments, modeling, singing since the womb, and dancing. I have been doing Dancing, musical theatre, and singing for about 7 or 8 years now. I am currently studying Film and TV production and want to continue performing in these areas on the side of my studies. I am that person who knows that my future career will be in film and TV and will do nothing until I achieve that goal. Well, there is a little about me, I would love it if you please have a look at my profile and take me into consideration.

Skills Summary:

Actor, Model, Dancer, Singer