Tara Nash Jeweler


Seattle - United States
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Key Skills:Jeweler and engagement ring
Country:United States
State / Province:California
Zip/Postal Code:98101
Street Address:1325 Fourth Ave, Suite 920, Seattle, WA 98101
Company Name:Tara Nash Jeweler
Work Phone:(425) 218-9899

Tara Nash has been a jeweler and engagement ring specialist for nearly 20 years. The business evolved from custom design to diamond buying and finally in 2012, Tara opened a new jewelry store in downtown Seattle with the idea of combining wholesale and retail. Customers can choose from new diamonds and jewelry with prices that are comparable to Bluenile, or they can purchase estate pieces for 50-60% of retail. Some combine an estate stone with a newly designed custom mounting. No matter what the choice, every customer enjoys the highest quality and the absolute best value in the industry. It’s the Tara Nash guarantee.

Employment History:

Seattle diamond buyer, engagement ring specialist and jewelry appraiser, Tara Nash is known for custom designs as well as a great selection of antique and vintage engagement rings. Enjoy an intimate boutique setting and an informal relaxed atmosphere while you look for that perfect bridal piece! Tara buys and consigns diamonds, antiques and jewelry. Insurance and estate appraisals are also available by appointment.