Tina Modeling


San Gabriel - United States
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Key Skills:Modeling School
Country:United States
State / Province:California
City:San Gabriel
Zip/Postal Code:91176
Street Address:889 S San Gabriel Blvd, San Gabriel, CA 91176
Company Name:Tina Modeling
Work Phone:(626) 380-5456

The most delightful woman is the harmoniously developed woman. At Tina Modeling School, our goal is not to change you but to help you develop yourself. We are small enough to know your name, and yet big enough to help you reach your goal. Tina Modeling School provides customized coaching on modeling, beauty pageants, etiquette, social graces, and business manners for all age groups in Southern California. Every student in Tina Modeling School is highly expected to rate her best at all times.

Employment History:

Tina immigrated to Los Angeles in 1988. Since this world has become a global village, the communication and people's social life are playing very important roles in our daily activities. Being aware of the importance of social manner, Tina Shih has been dedicating herself in the education of model training and social graces.
With her professional knowledge of beauty education, Tina has been frequently invited to give lectures and training courses in the Southern California community through the Radio and TV interviews. Her devotion to the beauty education has not only made the community pay more attention to social manners and personal images but also earned her a title of "Beauty Ambassador ".