Zoltan Barati


Irvine - United States
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Key Skills:Interactive 3D for Entertainment and Education
Country:United States
State / Province:California
Zip/Postal Code:92620

3D modeling, texturing character, and environment. Character animation, keyframe, and non-linear animation. Facial Animation. 3D hair styling and simulation. 3D clothing design and simulation. Comic book-style storyboarding. Look at development, lighting, rendering, and shading. Camera sequencing, camera animation. Environment modeling texturing, including mountain and ocean with simulation. Compositing and video editing.Visual effects, VFX fluid, particle, grain, pyro, rigid body, fracture effects, destruction. Motion graphics.

Skills Summary:

3D modeling, texturing character and environment. Character animation, keyframe and non-linear animation. Facial Animation. 3D hair styling and simulation. 3D clothing design and simulation. Comic book style storyboarding. Look development, lighting, rendering, shading. Camera sequencing, camera animation. Environment modeling texturing, including mountain and ocean with simulation. Compositing and video editing. Visual effects, VFX fluid, particle, grain, pyro, rigid body, fracture effects, destruction. Motion graphics.

Employment History:

Freelance (Digitone Pictures)

Education & Training:

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science